Pynksy Shell offers a variety of services for personal and professional events.

Professional performances of AFSDᵀᴹ for weddings, birthdays or even community events

If you are just a regular person who is looking for a differentiated service to offer to a special person, you have come to the right place. Pynksy Shell can help you out by offering a custom-made AFSDᵀᴹ dance workshop designed exclusively for your needs to even a group/ private dance class for a very special friend/family member

The Performances

Let’s party together. It’s all about celebration, rather is a birthday or another special occasion we can make it something unique. All the performances are with exclusive professional costumes and professional make-up. Here you can choose if you want a performance of AFSDᵀᴹ or Fusion Baladi (aka Fusion Raqs Sharqi).


The Private Class (aka VIP Class)

This is for that very special client, the one who you would like to say thank you for all the support. Or that special friend/ family member that has that special place in your heart. It doesn’t matter if it is a teenager, adult or a senior you can still give gratitude with all your love.

The Group Class (aka Let's Give it a Try)

This can be a perfect gift for a group of special clients or even friends or why not family relatives. You know that uncle and untie that need to lose a little bit? Or buddies that need to move their skeleton differently from the way they do it at the bar or the gym. So, why not surprise them with this let's give it a try group class. Again it doesn’t matter if it is a teenager, an adult, or a senior you can still share your love. Depending on each demographic certain requirements are necessary. For example, for senior’s group class chairs must be available.

The Team Building (aka Yes, We Can)

This is the perfect gift for your team. To say thank you for the hard work and for being present for the company. This is an amazing opportunity to bring people together and have fun. Depending on the demographic and the number of people certain requirements are necessary.

Here besides AFSDᵀᴹ group class, you can also add a lecture so that the people who don’t want to dance can still learn about dances from Africa. It’s all about Cultural Education.

The Lectures

Pynksy is a strong believer in cultural education and that is why she offers a 2hr lecture about The Dances from Africa (1 hr presentation + 1 hr debate/Q7A).

The Group Workshops

This is the perfect activity to add to your festival or event where you will be giving people the possibility to do something different and unique. The workshop can only be designed for adults and depending on the number of people a good space is very important to accommodate everyone.

The Community Events

If it´s all about dance and movement and of course Africa why not put everyone dancing? From kids to Seniors, it´s all about good energy, music and love. It's all about community and the celebration of diversity. From a 20-30 min demo class with very simple steps easy to follow, everyone is welcome to participate and of course, have fun.

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